Wednesday 24 August 2016

Student who got teacher pregnant given £4.5MILLION compensation

A student has won a record 4.5million pounds compensation after getting his sex-crazed teacher pregnant.
He had a year-long affair with Laura Whitehurst, starting when he was 16.
They met for romps, often unprotected, at her flat and she claimed her pregnancy was “a miracle” because she feared she could not conceive.

Whitehurst, 31, who reportedly also had flings with two other pupils, was jailed just two months after having his baby daughter.
The student, identified only as John BB Doe, claimed administrators and other teachers knew about her abusing him but turned a blind eye.
Now an education authority will pay him six million (US) dollars after he sued it for being negligent and complicit in the abuse in California, US.
Lawyer Vince Finaldi, who led the civil case against Redlands Unified School District, said the settlement was the biggest against any public entity in the country involving child sex abuse.

He said / told Redlands Daily Facts: “That number didn’t get there by accident.
“The evidence we were able to deduce against the district of its knowledge that this was going on and its complicity was so voluminous, they had no choice but to settle the case. It was that bad.”
The former lovers share custody of the child, now three years old, said Mr Finaldi.
Whitehurst, served only half of her 12-months sentence handed out in August 2013.

She had faced up to 29 years on 41 sex charges but got off with a year after admitting six counts in a plea deal.
She was also put on five years’ probation and will be registered for life as a sex offender.
Busty Whitehurst, who taught English at Citrus Valley High School, Redlands, was arrested after the boy’s mum told her bosses that her son was the father of her baby.
He later told a court that he had been left scarred for life after Whitehurst told him she loved him and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him.
He enjoyed the attention, but she should not have fuelled his romantic interests and pursued him.
He said: “I am the father of a child when I am still myself a child.”
After her arrest two other former students came forward saying they also romped with Whitehurst.
One said she gave him a blow job in her classroom when he was 14.
The pair, now 24 and 22, said the sessions overlapped in 2007 and 2008.
Despite the payout to the father of Whitehurst’s love child, the school district“categorically denied” any wrongdoing on its part.
Spokesman Tom DeLapp said the settlement was not an admittance of guilt, liability or acceptance of the validity or invalidity of the allegations.
The district was settling to avoid “dragging employees through the mud all over again” and damaging the reputation of a “very fine district.”
Mr. DeLapp said: “We believe that the signing of this by the plaintiff’s attorneys and the withdrawal with prejudice of all of those claims, exonerates the school district in the eyes of the public.
“We did nothing wrong in the way we handled our side of dealing with the Laura Whitehurst case.”
He hoped this was now the end of the case.
He added:“I think our community is tired of this.

“Our community has been battered and beaten by a lot of coverage of this story. It’s unfortunate, but I think we can tie this off and this settlement agreement does that.”

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