Tuesday 6 September 2016

The new Cold War: Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin give each other an icy glare at G20

Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin stare each other out during a frosty meeting at the G20 summit.
The American and Russian presidents, who had talks on Syria, the Ukraine and cyber security, seemed to have forgotten that the Cold War had ended.
Later, Mr Obama said that “gaps of trust” existed between the two nations, which were hindering attempts to tackle the rise of IS in Syria.

But Mr Putin, who backs Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad in the five-year civil war, said Russia and the US could strike a deal on a ceasefire in Syria within days.

He said: “I’m really hoping that this agreement can be reached and I have grounds to believe it could happen in the next few days.”
Mr Obama said the pair had discussed hacking issues. He had urged Mr Putin not to let cyberspace become the “wild, wild west” and warned America had “more capacity than anybody, offensively and defensively”.

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