Friday 26 August 2016

Highest and longest glass bridge opens in China

China just added a bunch of new claims to its planet-beating achievements -- this time its the world's sweatiest palms, the trembliest knees and the most-flipped stomachs.
Oh yes -- and the world's highest and longest glass-bottomed bridge.
Thousands of visitors have been steeling themselves to walk across the newly opened structure that spans the Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon in Hunan Province.
The six-meter wide bridge stretches 430 meters over a 300-meter-deep valley between two cliffs in the beautiful Zhangjiajie Park, said to have inspired the scenery for the sci-fi movie "Avatar."
Designed by Israeli architect Haim Dotan, the glass-bottomed bridge will also feature the world's highest bungee jump and serve as a runway for fashion shows.
Visitors have been reportedly lining up for hours to cross the bridge, but although it can take 800 people at a time, access is being restricted to a maximum 8,000 a day.
Authorities have been working hard to stress the bridge's safety credentials, inviting journalists to try to smash their way through its thickened glass.
In another demonstration, a car was driven over the structure.

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