Monday 1 August 2016

Alien-shaped skull from 2,000 years ago sparks fresh claims mankind was visited by extraterrestrial beings (Photos)

Archaeologists have found the remains of an ancient woman with an elongated skull sparking fresh claims that mankind was once visited by aliens .
When pictures of the humanoid figure with the egg-shaped skull were published, UFO watchers rushed to insist it was proof that aliens had once visited Earth.
Scientists however claimed that the discovered remains - found in Arkaim, in central Russia’s Chelyabinsk Oblast region - were around two thousand years old.
Experts were left wondering what the cause was for the bizarre shaped-skull, was it a new type of human?

Archaeological museum head Maria Makurova, who analysed the remains, said: "Her skull was elongated because the tribe did so by tying up the heads of their children with rope. It was clearly a tradition in the tribe."
Ms Makurova added: "Most likely this is a woman who lived 1,800 to 2,000 years ago."
It is reported that anthropologists will continue working on the skeleton to determine the exact sex and age of the skeleton.
Apart from the peculiar skeleton, archaeologists have discovered an iron knife, ceramic whorls, small beads, as well as fragments of a ceramic jug.
It is reported that last year archaeologists had made a similar discovery.

source: UK mirror

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